Monday, August 2, 2010

My First Baby Shower

I am quite late on this post. I am still trying to figure out this whole blogging thing. :) This baby shower was Sunday, June 27th and was so much fun. Enjoy...

My first baby shower was wonderful! We have such a precious group of friends where we live now that we truly consider family. Our prayer when we moved 2 years ago was that God would surround us with life-long friends that love the Lord like we do. Boy did He answer that prayer! We are so blessed to have each and every one of them. They all made my shower super special.

The food was so good!

Katie & Betsy worked so hard on the delicious cupcakes.
I love me some Red Velvet! Here is a pic of some of the cupcakes...

All of my guests wrote a message on a picture frame matte that will hang in Chloe's room.
This diaper cake was made by Betsy. She out-did herself!

Here I am. I was 30 weeks pregnant here.

My amazing hostesses!
They made this day more memorable than I could have ever imagined.

MeMaw, Amy, Betsy, Sarah, Me, Rose, Katie, Ashlee,
Maria (my mother-in-law) & my Mom

The gifts were unbelievable. I have to admit, I had so much fun opening them. :) Little girl things are so stinkin' precious! Here are just a few pics of the many gifts we were blessed with. (It was sure hard to just pick out a few to post!)

This is a beautiful nap mat that was made for Chloe by Donna.

This adorable bin now holds all of her diaper changing items in her room.

Nichola made this quilt and nursing cover.

Nursing cover.

Amanda had several onesies personalized for Chloe. Here are two of them.
This one says 'Prayed For'.
Boy was this baby girl prayed for!

This one says 'Baby Smith'.

This one is from Grandma Maria. It says Imported from Heaven. :)

Of course there were many hair bows. Chloe will be wearing a hair bow every single day.
And...the bigger the bow, the better! ha!

How cute are these bloomers?!
Aunt Ashlee made them.

Look at this tutu! I just know Chloe is going to love it!
Grandma Brenda got this for her.

I wish I had the room to post pictures of everything Chloe got. Each gift is so special to us and we cannot wait to put them all to use. We are SO thankful to everyone. Chloe is one loved baby girl!

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1 comment:

  1. Love reading your posts! As time gets closer for Miss Chloe to make her appearance, I remember so well ( like it was yesterday actually ) the feelings of excitement and urgency that surrround you at that time. It seems like yesterday (not 43 yrs.ago) that I was waiting for my first child to arrive. What is a wonderful gift that God has given us in Motherhood; the fact that we can grow and nourish a child inside of us, then watch them enter the world is so incredibily awsesome and beautiful! Enjoy every moment, and know that I love you and Chloe so very much, well.. and Eric too =) Be blessed sweet girl! <3
